On the knitting front I continue to work on my Girasole and it is progressing well. I think I'm more than half way done but I'm not quite sure. This is the first time I've started a shawl and wanted to work on it almost exclusively. Usually I flit from project to project. There is one project that I have also been working on, especially when I need something mindless. I have a friend who is going through hard times and I wanted to knit something for her. I couldn't decide what and then one day I stepped in to my LYS and saw this gorgeous new Berroco Lustra yarn. It just shimmers and comes in all these gorgeous deep colors. I decided a scarf out of the luminous turqouise was just the thing. I tried some lace designs but ultimately decided a simple ribbed scarf shows of the yarn the best and is oh so yummy! It's taking me much longer to make progress on the scarf even though I seem to progress quickly on the shawl. I think it's the knitting in the round!
Look who came to visit us last night. He had a friend with him as well. We have several young bucks in the area with their horns still fuzzy. They are truly gorgeous creatures.