Sunday, April 15, 2007

Just Shrug it Off

I was watching Knitty Gritty one night and saw this adorable shrug that appeared to be fairly quick and easy and looked like something Miss K would like. I've never knit anything even remotely like a sweater before but decided it was time. Not wanting to spend time making something she wasn't going to wear, I made her watch part of the show and she said she really liked it. Check - she likes it! So then I picked out the yarn (green of course) and showed that to her. Check - she likes the yarn. Next as I was knitting it I continually tried it on her and each time asked her if she liked it. Check - she continues to like it. And then (of course you know the ending to this sad tale) when I finished and put it on her she says, "It's OK, but it's too bad you didn't finish it while it was still cold outside!" WHAT??? It's only in the '60's and clearly a shrug isn't exactly a fisherman's sweater! She doesn't seem to like it. I don't think she is going to wear it. I'm so disappointed but maybe she'll change her mind. Oh well, I guess I'll have to "shrug" it off!


Judy said...

I think it's perfect and you know kids will always find some comment to make!

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

I think you did an awesome job. If she ends up not liking it (for whatever reason), you could always donate it to charity.

Jknits said...

Kids! I had the same thing happen with a blue poncho. I think it looks great. Maybe she'll find more use for it than she thinks.

Bonnie O. said...

Turned out great and the button is perfect!

Yvette said...

Yep, the same thing happened to me recently. Laboured away on a sweater vest she insisted she wanted, and it sits in a drawer unloved.
Fickle kids!

hakucho said...

It's beautiful!! Kids I have to say were put on the earth to drive us crazy!!;) I sure hope she changes her mind because you did a wonderful job on it :)