Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Bags are packed, I'm ready to go.

Why is it always so hard to get out the door for a vacation? By the time you go you REALLY need that vacation. There is so much to do to get ready. Find someone to feed the cats and take in the mail - check. Find someone to take care of the lizard - Bonnie wouldn't do it - but check. Confirm airline and hotel reservations - check. Get all your work done before you leave - well not so much. Dump your work on someone else since you ARE leaving - check. Pack the kids - check. Pack yourself - working on it. Pack the husband - HAH! But most importantly - determine what knitting you are taking with you. After much consternation and input I have finally decided on three items. A hat I am making for horsey girl. I figure I can finish it on the trip and she can wear it while we're in Alaska. Sure hope that plan works out. Next there is a sweater I am starting for the little man. It is knit in the round ribbing for rows and rows and rows so good mindless knitting when I need it. The third project was the toughest and there were lots of contenders but I finally landed on the Cozy. It is taking me forever to knit but whenever I work on it I really like it. I cast on during a flight to Paris in April 2006, really didn't work on it again until Mexico in January and now I'll work on it in Canada/Alaska. I think it can be my international project. It may however require several more trips to complete. There was a brief crisis when I couldn't find where I had hidden the extra skeins for the Cozy. Cancellation of the trip was considered. Luckily the skeins revealed themselves at the last minute and we are still able to go. I hope you've packed your virtual bags!


Bonnie O. said...

Let the cats take care of the lizard.

Have a great time!! Good luck on the Cozy. I think I'll pull mine out for my trip coming up in a few weeks.

hakucho said...

You've been nominated as a Rockin' Girl Blogger! :)

happy vacation :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your trip, and post pictures for us - who get to stay home.