I'd like you to meet Sir Wrappy. I've been spending my evenings with him and it's time to reveal him to the world. Sir Wrappy was inspired by our trip to Mexico over New Year's (get it - Sir Wrappy - serape?) We went to San Jose del Cabo which is about 1/2 hour north of Cabo San Lucas and had a wonderful time. However, it was a bit cooler than we had anticipated. All of the restaurants there are pretty much out doors so every night when we went out we were very cold. While we sat there shivering, the restaurant would come over and give you a wrap to wear. It was great. Many of them were simple but at one restaurant at the Cabo Sirf Hotel, they gave us these gorgeous multi-color wraps that were just beautiful. My Mom and I spent the rest of the visit looking for something similar in every store we entered. We even asked the hotel where they had purchased them and went to the same store. Alas we were unable to locate anything quite right. So I decided I would just have to knit one. Hence Sir Wrappy was born. I designed him based on a placemat I saw in Mexico and he is made out of 13 colors of Cascade Cloud 9 which is a combination of angora and wool. He is very soft and VERY warm. My only regret is that he curls at the edges. I think it's finally time for me to be seen in public with him! Now I'm using the leftover Cloud 9 to make the chemo caps for Realy for life - it's perfect!
OMG!!!! That is gorgeous, Allison!!
That yarn looks so soft. I'm going to have to look for that. The pattern turned out great, too.
Sir Wrappy is very clever!
That's gorgeous! Be sure and bring it to wear at Relay. It gets cold at night.
I LOVE Sir Wrappy...it's gorgeous. I know you'll enjoy wearing it and I'm sure you'll receive many compliments :)
WOW! And I do mean WOW! That's truly fabulous.
Super great! Wow. That is SO neat. LOVE that Cloud 9
How are you?
I love, love , love Sir Wrappy. It is beautiful and vibrant.
Beautiful job, and to design it yourself !! Did you write down the pattern? WOW
WOW! That is absolutely stunning! I love all the colors.. very bright and happy :-) I have two hats knit now to send in :-) Wish I could come knit with you as well!!
What a cool idea, and what a beautiful rendition of that idea!
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